Weight Loss - Bath Backwards? Answer 4 Questions Now

Have you ever thought about things you did when you were growing up? Yes we all have reminisced over the years in one way or another. These returning thoughts and reminiscing usually reminds us of a lesson we learned or perhaps a discovery we made. We still look back from time to time.

I remember my experience about taking a bath. It was quite the every day thing for mom to say before bed time "Go take your bath, Sonny." "Ok mom". So I filled the tub with water [ no showers in those days] and climbed in like always. On this particular occasion after being in the tub for 20 minutes mom came in. "Well are you not finished with your bath yet?" "Almost mom, I just need to wash my hair and my face". Mom looked amazed "Do you mean you haven't got that far yet?" "Oh yes mom, I always start with the feet, then I work my way up and finally finish with my face."

Mom said "O Yuk Sonny, you need to think about how to take a bath" I said "Why?" "What do you mean? " "I am taking the bath and I am getting cleaned up". Mom said "Well Sonny you're taking your BATH BACKWARDS".

"The right way to take a bath is to start with your face ears neck and hair first while the bath water is clean". "Then you move down cleaning your self". "Then you get to the middle part [ smelly part ] and then further down the legs and finally the feet another [ smelly part ] and you're done." "So you need to stop taking your BATH BACKWARDS as it is much more desirable to take your bath forward for better results". I learned a lot that night from mom. I never took my BATH BACKWARDS again.

That's the way people do things sometimes. BATH BACKWARDS!

What do we mean?

Usually when a person decides to start some weight loss program or diet program they start BATH BACKWARDS so to speak.

How so?

They usually think they will procure some diet pills or exercise program and their off and running toward their weight loss success. They think it will be a snap. Then they do not get the results expected. Also it is taking a lot more time then they expected. They become discouraged and readily fall back into their original condition or worse. They attempt again and again. They fall back again and again.

What keeps going wrong?

It could be compared to a painter. The painter will prepare the surface by sanding and scraping. Then he will apply the paint coating. The same is true of a successful weight loss candidate. You need to prepare your mind and your heart first. How? By asking yourself these pertinent questions.

Ask Yourself Now - Do I Really Want to Lose Weight?

Ask Yourself Now - Do I Believe That it is Possible for Me?

Ask Yourself Now - Am I Really Ready to Make the Needed Changes for My HEALTH's Sake?

Ask Yourself Now - Am I Really Really Going to Stick With it?

If the above questions cannot be answered with an affirmative resounding YES, you will fail your weight loss plan. So to be successful with your weight loss decision you will need to cooperate and do your part. Another way to think of it is - the plan will not work by itself. It takes two to Tango for weight loss success. In all weight loss coaching efforts the key lies with the participant not the plan.

In one weight loss coaching meeting the weight loss coach was brutally frank. He said "Most of you in this program will not succeed!" " Yes you will fail!" How is that for starters? However he was totally right and only wanted to work with those who were committed to succeed.

There is a bumper crop of weight loss remedies available today. Why? Because most people fail at their weight loss attempts. Their approach is wrong! So as a result the manufacturers come up with more and more weight loss methods and plans and products. Easy weight off! Effortless weight off! Burn Weight off! Etc. Etc.

If you believe you can lose weight without changing any thing in your life then you are taking you weight loss efforts - BATH BACKWARDS. You will be doomed to failure before you start.

So let's get up! Take the bull by the horns! Commit yourself to success! You can do it! You can BLITZKRIEG your excess weight! [excess fat] You can win the war on excess fat! Decide to do it! Then do it! You will be doing your body a great favor and you will live longer!

To your health and happiness,
John Schmidt - Weight Loss Nutritionist

Fat Loss Factor

Manual for Total Body Fat Control



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